Monday, August 16, 2010

What does it mean to ';feather your pubes';?

I saw Triumph the insult comic dog asking Heather Locklear (back when she was dating Bon Jovi's Sambora): ''In the 80's, did Richie feather his pubes?'' What does it mean?

What does it mean to ''feather your pubes''?ktm

Feathered hair was a hairstyle in the 80s. It's the fluffy bits on the side:

Here are some pictures:

It's probably like asking her if he had corn-rows or a perm down there.

What does it mean to ''feather your pubes''?nortan

Feathering your hair was popular in the 1980s, cause it made it look big and fluffy. I'm sure you've seen pictures. Since Heather'd most likely seen him naked, the dog asked if Sambora was feathering his hair ''down there,'' since he feathered the rest of it. It was just a nasty joke.
I can't believe you have been pondering this question since the 80's. You must have an awful lot of free time.

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