Friday, August 20, 2010

Europe you live in a glass house! Quit throwing rocks. Why dont Americans like (some) Europeans?

In the year of our lord 2007 the United States faces a challenge we remain reluctant to recognising in full and opportunities we fail to recognize at all. We are the greatest -and most virtuous- power in history. For now our existence is not at stake, although the lives of our citizens, the degree of our freedom and the well-being of our allies are at risk. There is no doubt that we will survive and triumph. But the decisions we make will determine the costs our enemies extract along the way. And we DO have enemies, old and new, mercilles and uncompromising, who hate us for our success, our freedom, and our power, as well as for the global transformations we inspire.

The United States is cast in the role of a doctor during a plague. No matter how hopless the situation may seem, the crisis demands our courage and perseverence. The risks we take are the only hope for avoiding a greater disaster for humanity. Despite the errors we have made in the middle east, the vitriol spit in our direction by the regions inhabitants isn't really aboutr us, its about them. The middle east has grown so inhumane and weak that it craves a ''great satan'' to explain away its ineptitude. The greatest power on earth will have to do. Indeed the middle east remains the world's sick civilization. Because of our virtuous efforts, Iraq may become the Middle Easts beacon of liberty. Or it may end as another Arab pyre. The Iraqi's, not us, will determine their ultimate fate. Their choices will shape a civilizations future.

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