Friday, August 20, 2010

Will this world drown and burn in its own hate and bs, or is there hope?

Sin, homophobia, hate, not caring, competition, bs on a massive scale, world issues, there's just so much going on in this world that even to normal ''Sane'' people, and they're out there, it seems too much to handle.

Is it all going to get to the point where everyone goes nuts and starts hating and killing each other, as is already happening in many of our urban centers, or is there hope for people to come to realize that they've been duped by BS this whole time, and they'll come to their senses, and start acting like classy, respectable and decent people with good heads on their shoulders?

IT seems like the normal people are the needle in a haystack and the f'ed up ones are a dime a dozen.

Humanity is f'ed up, from the people on top and all the greedy doctors and lawyers, to the discrimination right down even to the dregs of society.

Can anyone ignore this?

All of you normal people out there! Tell me stories of personal triumph in face of adversity!

Spread the hope!!

Will this world drown and burn in its own hate and bs, or is there hope?house call

Hi. This is going to be long - please bare with me.

You are very right. Crimes are getting worse for our society.

Of course, crime has always been here, people have always been barabric and war and murder runs through our veins.

It's true if you look back on what we come from.

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