Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Do you liberals see any lies here, and if you do, please tell what and why.?

With the Democrats' full-throated moralizing of late, I'm almost tempted to vote for them --

although perhaps ''full-throated'' is the wrong phrase to use with regard to Democrats and sex scandals.

The sudden emergence of the Swift Butt Veterans for Truth demonstrates that the Democrats would prefer

to talk about anything other than national security.

Unfortunately for them, the psychotic Kim Jong Il seems to be setting off nukes,

raising the embarrassing issue of the Clinton administration's 1994 ''peace'' deal with North Korea.

At least with former Rep. Mark Foley, you could say the Democrats' hypocritical grandstanding

was just politics. But in the case of North Korea, Democrats are resorting to bald-faced lies.

Current New Mexico governor and former Clinton administration official Bill Richardson has been on tour,

bragging about the groundbreaking Clinton administration negotiations with North Korea --

keeping his fingers crossed that no one has access to news from 1994.

In 1994, the Clinton administration got a call from Jimmy Carter -- probably collect --

who was with the then-leader of North Korea, saying: ''Hey, Kim Il Sung is a total stud,

and I've worked out a terrific deal. I'll give you the details later.''

Clinton promptly signed the deal, so he could forget about North Korea and get back to

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