Monday, August 16, 2010

If Jesus death and ressurection saves us, why?

would he bother returning to fight the anti-Christ to save us again? Isn't His death and ressurection the last act for the triumph of Chrisitianity?

If Jesus death and ressurection saves us, why?free antivirus

Jesus death proved that a man was able to remain faithful to God until death, thus conquering the world. Adam, our first father loss the right for humans to have everlasting life by going against the sovereign of the universe' law and taking what did not belong to him after being warned. Jesus never swayed from following his fathers laws for mankind. His death conquered human sin, it had nothing to do with removing sin and wickedness from the earth at that time. Remember, the scripture says, ''sit at my right hand until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet.'' That happened when Satan and his demons were hurled out of heaven to the earth. The heavens are were the throne of God resides, the earth is it's foot stool. His return will be to do as he did for the heavens, remove wickedness and sin. A war will take place on the earth (Armageddon) which will remove all sin and wickedness once and for all times. If you would like to learn more, please contact Jehovah's Witnesses, we will be happy to help you learn more about this great future event as the Bible tells it.

If Jesus death and ressurection saves us, why?internet

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